Quality is added value

Playing it safe with brand-name spare parts

"Qualität ist Mehrwert " is an initiative of AAMPACT e. V. currently only in the German speaking countries, which has set itself the task of supporting independent passenger car and commercial vehicle workshops and making them aware of the relevance of quality spare parts. Partners of the "Qualität ist Mehrwert" initiative are leading parts manufacturers.  

The initiative understands quality in many areas. Installing first-class quality spare parts, offering professional repair, qualified personnel as well as professional and friendly service, so that customers can always be safe on the road.

Commitment to first-class parts quality

"Qualität ist Mehrwert"  informs workshops about parts quality and news from the aftermarket on the website qualitaet-ist-mehrwert.de, supported with extensive materials, training offers, podcasts and workshop tips. The "Topic of the Month" is intensively dedicated to a key topic. A practical tool for calculating hourly rates and a market overview of wholesalers make work easier for workshops. Thanks to the topicality of the articles and ever new services, qualitaet-ist-mehrwert.de reaches more readers every year.

The initiative "Qualität ist Mehrwert" (Quality is added value) always keeps its ear to the ground: with regular workshop surveys, it gives car and commercial vehicle businesses an opinion platform and determines the current mood. The survey results are made available digitally as a white paper.

Numerous other campaigns draw attention to the importance of quality parts: at the regular workshop table, automotive professionals regularly discuss current topics in the industry; the series "Backstage at ..." gives workshop employees a glimpse behind the scenes of well-known parts manufacturers. In 2021, "Quality is added value" organised a roadshow for vocational schools with the automotive professionals from Schrauberblog; in 2022, the initiative put together a teaching package for vocational schools consisting of an information film and working materials that can be used to design an exciting lesson on the relevance of parts quality.

Another important component of "Quality is added value" is the intensive exchange with other industry players. Cooperations, for example with “mein-autolexikon.de”, and the presence at trade fairs contribute to informing as many people as possible about the importance of quality spare parts.